The Cherry L. Emerson Center for Scientific Computation
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Visiting Fellows

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The Emerson Center offers visiting fellowships to interested scientists throughout the year. Scientists from academic institutions all over the world who want to perform valuable research in computational chemistry, biology, physics, and math & computer sciences for one to several months are encouraged to apply. Travel expenses and stipends are available. Although fully independent research is not excluded, collaboration with an EC subscriber is desirable, and EC subscribers are encouraged to make recommendations.

To formally apply, please submit:

  • 1-2 page research proposal, CV including publication list,
  • Amount of financial support needed and
  • Length of stay and an approximate start/end date

Applications should be submitted to the Emerson Center attention to:

Mr. Jamal Musaev , Doctor
Cherry L. Emerson Center for Scientific Computation
E509 Emerson Hall, 1521 Dickey Drive
Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Phone: (404) 727-2380; Fax: (404) 727-7412

The formal deadline to apply for the fellowship for Summer 2003 -- Summer 2004 period is (as of now there is still time to do so):



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