The Cherry L. Emerson Center for Scientific Computation
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How to get an account & log in

The Queueing System | FAQ | Hardware Specification | Software Description | How to get an account

1. You must obtain user account at the EC machines:

In order to get user account at the Emerson Center machines, either you, or your Professor (your master), or your Department should be an Emerson Center Subscriber. If one of these conditions is not necessarily valid, then either you (if you are yourself a master), or your Professor/Doctor (or designated person(s) by him/her), or Chair of your Department (if there is a department) (or the designated person by Chair of the Department, if you want use departmental account (due to financial limitations of Doctor)) should send a (in)formal request to either:

  • Mr. Doctor J Musaev,
  • Dr. Bela Gazdy,

2. Logon:

After obtaining your user name and initial password from the Emerson Center staff, please login on euch3h ( You will be prompted to change your password on that machine. Please, do it without major delay, or your account may be invalidated; Please, do it.

3. Telnet:

Please immediately telnet to and use your OLD (last year's) password to login

4. Change Password:

Change your password on euch3h (and then all other machines on campus) following instructions, or by typing the shell command: "passwd" at your shell prompt. Since euch3h is our File Server, it will propagate to entire campus (RISC6000, SP cluster, SGI) all changes within 1 hour made at euch3h. Otherwise, if you will not make changes on the non-local machines, then after you accidentally log out you will probably loosen up the changes on entire campus.

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