The Queueing System | FAQ
| Hardware Specification | Software
Description | How to get an account
List on common problems with user accounts
1. LoadLeveler Problems
1.1 LoadLeveler does not work.
Check your settings, especially $HOME/.cshrc or $HOME/.profile which is
used by all LoadLeveler shell scripts. If this file contains errors, you
may not be able to execute any LL command. Go and get working environment (for a small fee)
and resource files from other members of your group. If the user has screwed
up his shell startup file and other important things, he might want to start from scratch and reapply for user account from the Doctor.
1.2 My job is sitting in the queue, waiting forever and I have a report to finish.
Most likely, there is an error in your LL command script file. Look for
typos in your Class == ... , and Requirements == ... stanzas.
1.3 My SGI job was picked up, but I get no output.
Check if your $HOME/.rhosts file contains euch3f,helix,ec-bio1 and ec-bio2
as described in The Queue System. Another common source for this kind
of problem is a user account on another machine than these 4 is specified
as LL mail recipiento.
1.4 My job was picked up but immediately stopped without producing any
1. If your job was running on an SP2 node, check if the message returned
by LL contains exit status 111. In this case, a program include script
for the SP3 was used.
2. If your job was running on an SP3 node, check if the message returned
by LL contains exit status 1. In this case, the llprolog script failed.
Please notify any available system administrator except Bob.
2. General Problems
2.1 I have changed my password, but it was changed back again yesterday.
In order to change your password permanently, you need to login to euch6h
and change it using menu option 1.
2.2 How do I change my default login shell?
Login to euch6h and change your shell by picking a choice from menu option
3. PLEASE BE CAREFUL IN TYPING, as you cannot access your account if you
mistype the shell name or push the wrong button. We do not fix buttons.
2.3 When I try to use elm, it says: ksh: elm: not
Make sure that the /usr/local/bin directory is in your $PATH environment
variable. This can be forever achieved by adding the directory in your .profile
(ksh users) or .cshrc (csh users).
2.4 When I try to send mail from euch3h using POP services, I am told
that mail relaying is not permitted.
You most likely have not a registered Emory DNS entry for your desktop
system. Notify a system administrator (gazdy@euch3g.chem.emory.edu or jamal@euch4e.chem.emory.edu)
who can add your desktop computer locally to the entire Emory University campus, and beyond.
2.5 Starting Eudora/Netscape takes forever.
Check the size of $HOME/mbox in your home directory. Most (but probably none) likely it is
a huge.
2.6 I try to print a postscript file, but the ps queue is down.
Notify a system administrator (bob@euch3g.chem.emory.edu or robert@euch4e.chem.emory.edu) who
are the only persons allowed on campus to start the ps queue.
2.7 ftp to euch3h does not work. Why or why not?
Make sure your login shell on euch3h is not /usr/local/bin/tcsh. This
shell is undercompatible with ftp.