The Queueing System
The Queueing System | FAQ
| Hardware Specification | Software
Description | How to get an account
How to Use the Emerson Center Facilities
1. LoadLeveler Queueing System
The EC uses LoadLeveler (LL) to provide efficient usage of the hardware
equipment and software to our subscribers. LL runs scripts (jobs) on your
behalf on the appropriate machine in a cluster of machines. LL issues
standard UNIX commands in batch mode, submits your jobs into existing
queues, and assigns a number and name to your jobs. In brief, you are
required to prepare your input file, include the name of that input file
into a LL shell script (usually ksh) called xxx.cmd (fixed formatted,
xxx could be any name) and submit it (xxx.cmd) to our computers by executing
the “llsubmit xxx.cmd” command.
EC has three independent groups of queues, namely SP3+SGI, SP2, and RS/6000.
While the number of jobs submitted to the RS/6000 queue is unlimited,
there exist limits for the maximum number of jobs per subscriber group
on the SP2 and SP3+SGI systems corresponding to the shares (or units)
of subscribers.
The groups of queues can be distinguished from each other by LL parameters
such as "class" and "Features", which are LL keywords
that need to be included in the LL xxx.cmd script file.
A. IBM RS/6000 and P+ (AIX 5.) standalone service machines: |
file & mail server | |
software & LL server | |
gateway to SP2 | |
gateway to SGI; 4e "mirror" | |
web server |
B. IBM SP2 Power (AIX 5.1) cluster (*) |
4-way Power-4 nodes |
* X=1,2,...,6
C. IBM SP3 Power (AIX 5.3) cluster |
SP3 file server; storage facility | (*) |
4-way Power-3 nodes |
* X=1,2,...,15
D. SGI Origin (IRIX 6.5) workstations |
software server; graphics | |
graphics; compute node | |
compute node |
2. How to submit a job to LoadLeveler
Use this .cmd file as a template. Note that to submit to fire queues,
substitute /home by /fire in the "initialdir" line below.
# @ initialdir = /home/<yourgroup>/<yourname>/...
# @ requirements = (Arch == "R6000") && (OpSys == "AIX53")
# @ class = pp2
# @ notify_user = <you@e-mail address>
# @ group = <yourgroup>
# @ error = error
# @ queue
. /libs/scripts/g92 # gaussian
Please feel free to browse /libs/scripts for available codes.
Please include the direction for LoadLeveler in your $PATH environment
variable. This can be done with placing the following additional lines
at the end of your .profile (for ksh users):
export PATH
or .cshrc (for csh users):
set path=(/usr/lpp/LoadL/nfs/bin $path)
In order to submit a job, "ssh -l YOURNAME".
Job submission is only allowed from this particular machine. The LL command
for submitting a job is llsubmit:
euch4e# llsubmit xxx.cmd
Typical LL scriptfiles are located in the /usr/local/Samples directory
of euch4e, and we highly recommend to start creating own script files
by modifying these files appropriately.
3. Program specific LoadLeveler include scripts
Most installed software packages can be used by including ksh scripts
provided by the center. These files can be found in the /libs/scripts
directory on euch4e and are usually incorporated ino a LL script by the
following three lines:
. /libs/scripts/<script_filename>
(please note the leading dot in the third line). This syntax species the
location of input, output files and the type of program to run. Most important
scripts are:/libs/scripts/g98a9 (to run GAUSSIAN98 Revision A.9 on SP3
/libs/scripts/sybyl (to run Sybyl Version 6.7 on SGI)
/libs/scripts/acesrun (to run ACESII 3.0 on RS/6000 and SP2 nodes)
/libs/scripts/acesp3 (to run ACESII 3.0 on SP3 nodes)
/libs/scripts/amber (to run AMBER Version 6.0 on SGI)
/libs/scripts/bmin (to run MacroModel_7.1 Batchmin on SGI)
/libs/scripts/cadpac (to run CADPAC Version 5.2 on IBM’s)
/libs/scripts/dalrun (to run DALTON Version 2.0 on IBM’s)
/libs/scripts/gmsrun (to run GAMESS on RS/6000 and
SP2 nodes)
/libs/scripts/gmsrunsp3 (to run GAMESS on SP3 nodes)
Please note that there are different LL include scripts for the same software,
depending on where the job will run. It is important not to mix platforms
and include files up.
If a user has his own shell script, it is important to know that /work
is the default location of temporary files. However, when using the SP3
nodes, the following part needs to be included in the script in order
to determine the location of the work directory (either /work, /work1,
/work2, or /work3):
LOADL_ID=`echo "${LOADL_JOB_NAME}" | sed 's/'`
w1=`cat $WDIR/work`
w2=`cat $WDIR/work1`
w3=`cat $WDIR/work2`
w4=`cat $WDIR/work3`
if [ "$w1" = "$LOADL_ID" ]
export scr=/work
elif [ "$w2" = "$LOADL_ID" ]
export scr=/work1
elif [ "$w3" = "$LOADL_ID" ]
export scr=/work2
elif [ "$w4" = "$LOADL_ID" ]
export scr=/work3
exit 111